
Ximopanolti, Niltze !

(Welcome, Hello! In Nahuatl)

I’m Mextly, pronounced [MEX-tly], and if you want to get technical, the Nahuatl pronunciation would be [MESH-tly]. If you want to get really technical, then it’s actually spelled METZTLI, but that would be pronounced [METS-tly]. Pero, anyway.. it’s Mextly, [co-ooo-zeen], good luck.

In Aztec mythology, Metztli is the Goddess of the Moon. Some folks say that the Mexica people who ruled the Aztec Empire named México after her, but that’s not certain. Mythology also says that she sacrificed herself for the Sun to be created, so she’s obviously a badass although that’s probably rooted in some micro, or macro, misogyny because the Sun is said to be male. Why did she have to dim her light for a man to be born??


I was born in Baja California, México and raised in Los Angeles. I hold a BS in Pure Mathematics and an MFA in Lighting Design from the University of California, San Diego. And I currently pay rent in NYC.

I love living playwrights

I think collaborations with dance makers are so hot

Opera is amazing

Live music and symphonies make me emotional

Lighting for camera is really sexy

No art installation is complete without lighting

And as a constant thought, I wonder, what are we doing to be SUSTAINABLE and KIND in our practice?